Rotary Club of
North Fort Myers

Rotary Club North Fort Myers


THE ROTARY CLUB OF NORTH FORT MYERS was chartered on June 14, 1973, by our Charter President, Richard “Dick” McConville.  We...

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Rotary Intl

WHAT IS ROTARY INTERNATIONAL? Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high...

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Gator Tails

Our weekly publication with information on our club happenings this week, including information on our program speaker, and upcoming events...

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Golf Tournament

Our annual Rotary Masters Charity Golf Tournament will be held on April 26th, 2025 at Magnolia Landing Golf Club in...

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We meet every Thursday, 8:00 AM, at the  3 Fishermen Restaurant – 13021 North Cleveland Avenue.  On the north side of the Caloosahatchee River, on the west side of North Cleveland Avenue (also known as US 41 or N Tamiami Trail), located at the Best Western Hotel.  Meetings start with fellowship at 7:30 AM, breakfast at 7:45 AM, and meeting coming to order at 8:00 AM.

Visiting Rotarians are always WELCOME!


3 Fishermen Restaurant map – click on map for larger view


The Rotary Club of North Fort Myers 
is part of the worldwide organization of Rotary International

Our motto is “Service Above Self” and we strive to assist various charitable groups in our community and in the worldwide organization of Rotary.

We strive to live by our 4-Way Test:
1. First, Is it the Truth ?
2. Second, Is it Fair to All Concerned ?
3. Third, Will it Build Goodwill and Better Friendships ?
4. Fourth, Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned ?


2024 – Toy Project – J Colin English Elementary School Head Start
We held our Holiday Toy Project for the J Colin English Head Start Students; packaging everything on December 11th and having the students meet with Santa and Mrs. Claus on December 6th.  We were able to provide each of 85 students with two toys, a pair of shoes, an outfit, and underwear; all were placed in bags for each family.  This was a District Grant Project and we were able to purchase over $5,000 in toys and clothes for the students.

District Governor Official Club Visit – 2024
District Governor Kelsey Mitchell and made her annual club visit on November 21st.  President Hugh McWhirter presented DG Kelsey with a certificate that our club had donated $100 to the Wheelchair Foundation in her name in recognition of her sevice to Rotary.

Officer Changeover – Induction Party 2024:
Incoming President Hugh McWhirter presented outgoing President Lenny Cannova with his Past-President Gavel plaque, pin, and name badge on May 18th, 2024.

District Governor Alfred Current inducted our new officers and board for 2024-25

Lenny presented Past-President Christina Schwinn with her Paul Harris Fellowship for serving as President.

Rotarian of the Year – 2024
Jack Hess was recognized as our Rotarian of the Year by President Lenny at our Induction Party on May 18, 2024.  Jack was presented with a plaque and a Paul Harris Fellowship award.

College Schorships Awarded – 2024
Jack Hess and Hugh McWhirter awarded six college scholarships, totaling $11,000, to graduating seniors at North Fort Myers High School at their Senior Awards Night on May 8, 2024.  Graduating Seniors Katie, Nataly, Morgan, Evie, Sophie, and Maya received scholarships.

Service Above Self Award – 2024
Jack Hess and Hugh McWhirter, at North Fort Myers High School’s Senior Awards Night on May 8, 2024, awarded graduating senior Niccolo with our Service Above Self Award for the senior who best represents Rotary’s Motto “Service Above Self”.

New Member:
It is always a great day when we can welcome a new member to Rotary.  On March 28, 2024 we inducted Josh Wurtsbaugh into our club.  Josh (center) with his sponsor, Matt (right), was inducted by Norm (left) our inductor.

Interact Club – Community Service Award:
The North Fort Myers High School Interact Club, that our club sponsors, received the North Fort Myers Civic Association’s Community Service Award for 2023.  They received the award for their overall community service but especially in recognition of their Christmas Toy Project.  Receiving the award, left to right:  Maya (club member), Morgan (club treasurer), Sophie (club historian), and Katie (club president).

New Year’s Eve Booze Raffle:
Our New Year’s Eve Booze Raffle was held on December 21st.  Jack Hess sold the winning ticket to Fort Myes resident Jon McVety.  Many thanks to everyone who donated liquor and sold tickets.  Jack presented some of Jon’s liquor to him.

2023 – Toy Project – J Colin English Elementary School Head Start
We held
our Holiday Toy Project for the J Colin English Head Start Students; packaging everything on December 6th and having the students meet with Santa and Mrs. Claus on December 8th.  We were able to provide each of 86 students with two toys, a pair of shoes, and an outfit, all were placed in bags for each family.  This was a District Grant Project and we were able to purchase over $5,000 in toys and clothes for the students.

District Governor Official Club Visit – 2023
District Governor Alfred Current and our Area Governor David Rice made their annual club visit on September 28th.  President Lenny presented DG Alfred with a certificate that our club had donated $100 to the Wheelchair Foundation in his name in recognition of his sevice to Rotary.

New Member:
Another great day for our club as we were able to bring in a new member.  Judy Speers was inducted on September 14, 2023.  Judy was inducted by Norm (left), was sponsored by Mary Havener-Christensen; President Lenny (right) stood in for Mary who was out of town.

Hurricane Relief for All Souls Episcopal Church:
All Souls Episcopal Church in North Fort Myers suffered extensive damage from Hurricane Ian, with over $100,000 in damage repair not covered by insurance.  All Souls is a small congregation with a Big Heart in North Fort Myers as they have a Thrift Store with nominal pricing, provide 2 bags of groceries per month to many households in North Fort Myers, and each Wednesday provides over 200 Free Lunches to residents in the community.  In conjunction with the Rotary Club of Little River, South Carolina the Rotary Club of North Fort Myers was able to donate $1,000 to the church to help in their recovery.  President Lenny (right) presented a check to Brian Cleary, Rector for All Souls on August 24, 2023.

School Supplies for Bayshore Elementary:
To assist the students as Bayshore Elementary School in North Fort Myers with their needed school supplies, our club purchased over $250 in mechanical pencils, wood pencils, scale rulers, heavy duty folders, spiral notebooks, kleenex tissue, and paper towels for the students.

June 14, 2023 is proclaimed
North Fort Myers Rotary Club Day
On June 6th, the Lee County Commission proclaimed by resolution that June 14, 2023 was to be “North Fort Myers Rotary Club Day” in celebration of the clubs 50th anniversary. 
View Resolution

50th Anniversary Celebration and Start of the New Rotary Year:
On June 14, 2023 we celebrated our club’s 50th anniversary at Southern Waters in North Fort Myers.  We also inducted our new officers and named Tim Eckert as our Rotarian of the Year and presented Wendy Murray with a Past-President Paul Harris Fellow.
Incoming President Lenny presented outgoing President Christina with her Past-President plaque and pin:

President Christina presented Wendy with her Past-President Paul Harris Fellow and Tim with his Rotarian of the Year plaque; Tim also received a Paul Harris Fellow:

Norm Jones Day Proclaimed by Lee County Commission on June 14
The Lee County Commission proclaimed June 14, 2023 to be Norm Jones Day in recognition of the impact Norm has had on our community since he came to Southwest Florida in 1962.  John Gardner presented the Resolution to Norm and his wife Betty at our 50th Anniversary Rotary Club Celebration. 

 View Resolution

New Member:
It is always a great day when we can welcome a new member to Rotary.  On June 1, 2023 we inducted Matt Gould into our club.  Matt (right) was inducted by Norm (left) our inductor.

North Fort Myers High School Scholarships and Awards:
Each year we award several college scholarships to graduating seniors and also recognize the graduating senior who, through their high school career, best exemplifies Rotary’s Motto of “Service Above Self.”
This year we awarded four Freshman Year $1,000 Scholarships to Graduating Seniors Zoe M., Aliyah M., Corin S., and Melcha W.  We also awarded to Evalise K., a $4,000 scholarship ($1,000 for each of her four years in college).
Receiving the Rotary “Service Above Self” Award was Allison B.  She received a plaque and a check for $250.  Congratulations to all of the graduating seniors at North Fort Myers High School. 

St. Patrick’s Day Booze Raffle:
Thanks to all club members who sold tickets and donated liquor for our St. Patrick’s Day Booze Raffle.  We had a successful raffle and raised over $3,800 for our club projects.  Happy Rotarian John Gardner was the winner.

RYLA Students:
North Fort Myers High School students Caroline (R) and Amber (L) attended RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award).  RYLA is a four day leadership residential camp that provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions with other students, try new things and explore new roles, develop new friendships, and become more effective as role models, team leaders, and leaders.  They gave a presentation of their experiences to our club.

New Bell:
We have a new bell.  Our old bell, welded, scratched, and beat up, was a victim of Hurricane Ian.  Through the generosity of Ed, we now have a new bell and it is engraved with:
Rotary Club of North Fort Myers
North Fort Myers, Florida
Where the Tropics Begin
Chartered June 14, 1973
Charter member Norm was given the honor of the first strike on the new bell.


New Member:
Always a great day when we can bring in a new member to our Club and Rotary.  We inducted Stephanie Kragenbring on February 23, 2023.  Stephanie (center) with Christina (right) her sponsor and Norm (left) her inductor.

Rotarians and Friends Helping with the Hurricane Ian Relief Effort:

On Saturday, October 22nd, Rotarians and Friends gathered to help neighbors and friends in North Fort Myers to assist others with debris removal and other tasks to help home owners whose homes were flooded and damaged by Hurricane Ian.  The devastation is immense and heartbreaking.  It is going to take years to rebuild our beautiful community.  With volunteers like those seen in the pictures below, and contractors, SWFL will rebuild, rejuvenate, and regain it’s charm albeit new.


Hauling debris 



Rotarian home contents on the street 

President Christina Schwinn Interview:
President Christina was interviewed by the North Fort Myers Neighbor as she took over for outgoing President Wendy on July 1st.  See her interview here:  President Christina’s Interview

Rotarian of the Year – 2022
Dick Marshall was recognized as our Rotarian of the Year by President Wendy on May 12, 2022.  Dick was presented with a plaque and a Paul Harris Fellowship award.

New Member:
Always a great day when we can welcome another new member to our club.  Margie Hill was inducted on March 10th.  Margie (center) with Norm (inductor-right) and Dwight (left) Margie’s sponsor.

New Member:
Always a great day when we can welcome a new member to our club.  Mary Havener-Christensen was inducted on February 3rd.  Mary (center) with Norm (inductor – left) and Terry (right) Mary’s sponsor.

New Member:
Always a great day when we can welcome a new member to our club.  Hugh McWhirter was inducted on December 9th.  Hugh (center) with Norm (inductor – right) and David (left) Hugh’s sponsor.

New Member:
Always a great day when we can welcome a new member to our club.  Debra Norris was inducted on November 4th.  Debra (center) with Norm (inductor) and Fran Debra’s sponsor.


District Governor Official Club Visit
District Governor Andy Lyman and Area Governor Suzanne Vasbinder made their annual club visit on October 28th.  President Wendy presented DG Andy with a certificate that our club had donated a “Wheelchair” from the Wheelchair foundation in his name in recognition of his sevice to Rotary.

 Boy Scout Community Support:
President David along with John present a check to Scoutmaster Charlie Krebs, Boy Scout Troop #110 with a check for $1,000 to help with their summer camping.

Officer Changeover:
Incoming President Wendy Murray presented outgoing President David Rice with his Past-President Gavel plaque, pin, and name badge on May 15th.  Even with the virus, we had a rewarding Rotary year and look forward to the new year.

Rotarian of the Year – 2021
Will Barnes was recognized as our Rotarian of the Year.  President David presented Will with a plaque and a Paul Harris Fellow award on May 15th.

Rotary Master’s Golf Tournament  – Fun and Success
Our tournament was held on April 17th and everyone was ready to play after being off the course with Covid.  We had a good turnout and were able to raise over $5,500 for our charitable and scholarship efforts in our community.  Valerie’s House was our Golf Tournament Charity: President David and Golf Tournament Chair Terry present Angela Melvin, Founder, with a check for $2,000.

Wheelbarrow Full of Booze Raffle – Great Success

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Wheelbarrow Full of Booze Raffle.  Ron Beecroft from North Fort Myers was our winner.  We raised over $6,000 for our charitable projects.



Holiday Toy Project – A District Grant Project:

Under difficult Covid circumstances we were still able to have our Holiday Toy Project for the J Colin English Head Start Students.  We were able to provide each of 84 students with two toys, a pair of shoes, and an outfit, all were placed in bags for each family.  Since we couldn’t have Santa and Mrs. Claus come to the school, Zoom sessions were held with the students talking with Santa and Mrs. Claus.


Rotary’s Polio Plus, started in 1979, has raised over $1.7 billion, performed countless hours of volunteer time, and has inoculated over 2.5 billion children around the world.  Polio cases have been reduced by 99+ % since 1988 (350,000 cases worldwide) to 22 cases reported in 2017.  This January 2019, our own David Rice volunteered to volunteer to go to India as part of a Rotary Polio Plus Inoculation Team and administer the vaccine.